Import Advanced Custom Fields Repeater fields Data
The Advanced custom fields integration for Import WP PRO allows you to import any CSV and XML files into ACF repeater fields.
The Advanced custom fields integration adds new sections to the importer template field section per ACF Repeater or Group field. Each repeater section will allow you to import data to multiple rows.
Import ACF Repeater field data
ACF repeater fields should add a new field section that will be displayed on the importer templates field step.

Clicking on Add row will insert an empty row, allowing you to select ACF custom field data, add as many rows as required.

Import any XML file to ACF repeater field data
Importing XML files into ACF repeater fields can be simplified depending on your XML schema. When importing from an xml file a field labelled “Repeater Node” should appear at the top of each repeater field row.
For example if you have a node with repeated child nodes containing your repeater field values as shown in the following image.

Instead of having to manually add a row and set each row value you could set the repeater node to “/Repeater/item”, and then using the select data button select each field value as shown in the following image.

Creating this single row with a repeater node will import all 3 example rows shown previously.