Import Advanced Custom Fields data from XML / CSV files
The Advanced custom fields integration from Import WP PRO allows you to import data to ACF from any XML or CSV file, download the import wp ACF addon here.
The Advanced custom fields integration extends the custom fields section of Import WP by allowing you to choose any ACF field via the custom fields dropdown, switching to the correct field type for the selected field.
Table of Contents
Import ACF field data
Select the field you wish to import to from the custom field name dropdown, this will automatically switch to the correct field type. All Advanced custom field names will be prefixed with ACF and the group name.

Import ACF file, image or gallery field attachments
ACF file, image and gallery fields all use the attachment field type, to import multiple images the field seperate each image in the value field with a comma.

Import ACF link field data
The ACF link field accepts 3 attributes, each attribute value should be prefixed with the attribute name followed by an = symbol, to add multiple attributes seperate each attribute using a pipe | symbol.

Attribute | Description |
title | Text displayed to the user to click. |
url | The link destination either an anchor or hyperlink |
target | Choose if the link open in the same (_self) or new window (_blank) |
Import ACF Google maps field data
The ACF google maps field accepts 4 attributes to set the location each attribute value should be prefixed with the attribute name followed by an = symbol, to add multiple attributes seperate each attribute using a pipe | symbol.

Attribute | Description |
address | The text address of the location |
lat | Location latidude |
lng | Location longitude |
zoom | Zoom level |
Import ACF true or false field value
The ACF true or false field expects either a true (yes, 1) or false (no, 0) value.
Import ACF date / time fields values
ACF date and time fields expect a date time string depending on the field type.
Import ACF post object, relationship, taxonomy, or user field data
ACF post object, relationship taxonomy or user fields expect a comma seperated list of object ids, use custom methods to correctly get the object id from your field value.
Import ACF repeater field data
Check out our guide on importing any xml or csv file into advanced custom fields repeater fields.