How to add an exporter
To create a new exporter, via the ImportWP screen (Accessed under Tools > Import WP), click on the Exporters tab at the top of the screen, this will load a page showing a list of all exporters.

Click on the Add Exporter button shown at the top of the screen, The export creator screen should load up showing initial fields to create the exporter.

When creating an editing an exporter if oyu are unsure what any field does, if a ? tooltip is displayed beside the field label, hover over this to read a description of what it does.
Create Exporter Fields
The create exporter screen is a simple form created of two fields.
Options | Description |
Name | Set a name so that you can find this exporter on the exporter archive screen. |
Exporting | Select the WordPress data you want to export, such as post types, taxonomies, or users. |